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Field Middle School Athletic Programs

Field Middle School is pleased to have Jon Damon serve as Athletic Director. Please email him or call him (847-313-4443) with any questions related to our athletic programs. Questions about the school musical, before school open library, or any other activity can be directed to Dr. April Miller, Principal or Mr. Justin Cooper, Assistant Principal. Please review the information below.


Field offers the following sports:  

  • Fall:  Girls Volleyball, Co-Ed Soccer, Co-Ed Cross Country
  • Winter: Girls and Boys Basketball
  • Late Winter: Boys Volleyball
  • Spring: Co-Ed Track and Field

CSMSC Conference Website

Our sports program requires students to make a commitment to participate on the team. Student athletes are expected to be at every practice and game. Please review the information below before trying out to ensure that the student can commit to the sport.

  • Tryouts are open to all students, depending on the sport and grade level.
  • Seasons and individual game schedules vary from sport to sport.
  • Home games are played at Field Middle School, except for 6th grade basketball which is played at Winkelman.
  • Game schedules will be found on this website and will be passed out to students.
  • Generally, if there is no game, then students will follow their normal practice schedule.
  • Students trying out for sports must have a current physical and sports authorization on file in our health office. Click on the form name to get a copy.
  • Students who make a team must complete an extracurricular agreement form signed by both the parent and student.

Extracurricular Expectations 

  • It is expected that your son/daughter will attend all set tryout dates with the exception of any excused absences recognized by District 31. Even though an absence might be excused, it may still impact a coach's decision whether or not your child will make the team.
  • It is expected that your son/daughter will attend all practices with the exception of any excused absences recognized by District 31. Being a member of another athletic team does not excuse you from your obligations to your Field Middle School interscholastic team.
  • If your child has a prior or upcoming commitment to either a school/outside activity that will conflict with practices or games, then they will have to choose ahead of time which activity they will participate in. They might not be allowed to discontinue one Field activity already in progress in order to join another one.
  • It is expected that your son/daughter represent Field Middle School and their interscholastic programs both academically and behaviorally. There will be weekly eligibility sheets monitoring participants throughout a given season.  Parents will be appraised of situations that may impact your child's playing times.
  • Conference Rules and Guidelines

Sign Up/ Tryout for a Sport 

Click on the link by the sport you wish to participate in and complete the Sports Authorization Form. Everyone MUST complete the Sports Authorization Form in order to tryout for any interscholastic team.

Co-Ed Soccer

6th/7th Grade Soccer Tryout Sign up 
8th Soccer Tryout Sign Up

Girls' Volleyball

6th Grade Girls' Volleyball Tryout Sign Up 
7th Grade Girls' Volleyball Tryout Sign Up
8th Grade Girls' Volleyball Tryout Sign Up

Co-Ed Cross Country

Cross Country Tryout Sign Up

Girls' Basketball

6th Grade Girls Basketball
7th Grade Girls Basketball
8th Grade Girls Basketball

Boys' Basketball

6th Grade Boys Basketball
7th Grade Boys Basketball
8th Grade Boys Basketball

Boys' Volleyball

6th Grade Boys Volleyball
7th Grade Boys Volleyball
8th Grade Boys Volleyball

Co-Ed Track 
